April 2022: Updates from Ball Brothers Foundation | April Newsletter—Workforce Development Grantee Highlights, Fisher Governance Award, and More

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Grantee Highlight:
Workforce Development

We know that with continuous advancements in technology, work will soon look very different. Local and state leaders predict nearly every job will eventually be impacted in some way by technology, automation, advanced cloud computing, or artificial intelligence.

Over the past five years, Ball Brothers Foundation has dedicated over $1 million in funding to build better linkages between local K-12 schools, postsecondary institutions, local employers, and workforce development programs to prepare for 21st century workforce needs. 

Here are just a few highlights of efforts we're supporting:

Daleville Community Schools continues to make its mark as a center of excellence in preparing students with skills for the future. Through support from BBF and others, Daleville Elementary School has created an Advanced Manufacturing Lab that provides students with an introduction to robotics and manufacturing environments. They have built strong partnerships with local manufacturers, postsecondary education institutions, and others.

BBF is a significant funder of a variety of Future of Work projects @ Madjax. This spring marked the start of the first cohort of "Educator Makers in Residence."

Five teachers from schools across the region meet several times each month to receive training, access to lab/design/tech tools, connect to workforce partners, and benefit from peer coaching—all centered on how to infuse their classrooms with the type of hands-on learning that will help students excel in careers of the future.

This summer, these Makers in Residence—along with student apprentices and workforce partners—will help to host 6 different camps and workshops for students and families.

This month, we worked with BBF grantee Project Leadership to help facilitate a connection with Magna, an advanced technology company located in Muncie. Magna hosted a tour and lunch for school counselors from across the county to share an inside look into careers and scholarship opportunities for students (and parents) interested in advanced technologies. Also in attendance were representatives from other local foundations.

Ivy Tech Community College plays a vital role in helping local residents prepare for—or advance—in careers. BBF support ranges from support for capital projects to seed funding to launch programs in response to needs identified by local employers. Learn more about Ivy Tech's role in workforce development and community revitalization in this video. The video was produced by BSU in partnership with BBF as part of our Moving Forward series.

Now Accepting Nominations 

Nominations are now being accepted for the Fisher Governance Award—named in honor of Delaware County philanthropists John W. and Janice B. Fisher. The Award is given annually by Ball Brothers Foundation to recognize a board member of a local nonprofit.

As part of the award, the winner's respective organization will receive a $10,000 grant from Ball Brothers Foundation.
The Fisher Governance Award is given to someone who:

  • is a board member for a Delaware County nonprofit organization, and who has served on that board for at least two years;

  • has made strategic contributions to the success of their organization's mission, financial stability, and overall effectiveness; and

  • has displayed integrity, responsibility, accountability, and support of results.

Nominations must be submitted by 4 p.m. August 15.

Don't Forget: New Application/Reporting System is Live

Our new "GoApply" platform is live. Applicants and grantees should use this new system to submit all funding requests and final reports.

We want this to be a positive experience that helps streamline and simplify your experience. Have questions, concerns, or comments about the new system? Let us know! 

Reminder: You must create a username/password for GoApply in order to submit grant applications and grant reports.

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