Building a Healthier Future Together: Optimus Primary’s Impact on Healthcare Workforce Development

Last month, representatives of local healthcare organizations, higher education institutions, K-12 education, and public health gathered at the E. B. and Bertha C. Ball Center to share updates on efforts to make Muncie one of the state’s premiere centers for medical education.

Since its inception in 2016, Optimus Primary—an initiative dedicated to advancing healthcare education and workforce development in the region—has united Muncie’s unique network of healthcare institutions with the shared goal of strengthening healthcare workforce training and retention in East Central Indiana.

The convening brought together community partners for a networking luncheon, individual presentations, and a tour of the historic Maplewood Guest House, home to IU School of Medicine-Muncie students during their clinical rotations. The gathering provided a platform for partners to share insights, celebrate achievements, and highlight new medical education and healthcare workforce development efforts.

With nearly $3 million in support from Ball Brothers Foundation since Optimus Primary’s inception, local organizations are working to provide practical training and education opportunities with the most recent efforts including:

  • Ivy Tech Community College is launching an EMT certification program that will expand career pathways into healthcare, addressing shortages in emergency medical services. This program aligns with Optimus Primary’s focus on developing accessible, practical career options to build Muncie’s future healthcare workforce and to providing entry points for students interested in medical careers.

  • Open Door Health Services is building upon an innovative Medical Assistant training program in collaboration with the National Institute for Medical Assistant Advancement (NIMAA). Combining classroom and clinical experience, this program builds a skilled pipeline of medical assistants who are essential to strengthening regional healthcare.

  • Ball State University’s School of Nursing is addressing gaps in primary care by placing Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) students in rural counties identified as having critical health needs. This program offers essential care to these communities while introducing students to the unique demands of rural health.

  • Open Door Health Services’ Skills Lab on Madison Street provides specialized training for healthcare staff, creating a valuable resource for onboarding and continued education. This lab supports Open Door’s mission to deliver high-quality, sustainable healthcare in the region.

  • Ivy Tech Community College’s Nursing Apprenticeship Program in Henry County provides aspiring nurses with a blend of classroom and hands-on clinical experience, directly addressing workforce shortages in rural healthcare settings.

  • Meridian Health Services has introduced a psychiatry internship program for primary care providers, enhancing their capacity to support mental health needs in the community. This initiative highlights the importance of comprehensive care within Optimus Primary.

  • Indiana University School of Medicine-Muncie has partnered with Ball State University to launch a “Bachelor to MD” program for students. Funding is enhancing mentorship, advising, and MCAT preparation, supporting future physicians as they prepare for medical careers. Additionally, IUSM-M is building out a new field trauma training opportunity with the Midwest Threat Assessment Center (MTAC), strengthening students’ emergency response skills while giving them opportunities to work as a team and grow in their ability to make decisions under stress.

  • IU Health Foundation—in collaboration with IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital—is hosting recruitment events to connect nursing and medical students with local career opportunities, encouraging students to consider long-term careers in Muncie and surrounding areas.

Looking ahead, Ball Brothers Foundation intends to continue support of Optimus Primary with an additional focus on K-12 education and integration of public health. By integrating this broader approach, Optimus Primary aims to establish a sustainable pipeline of future healthcare professionals while fostering a culture of health and wellness across generations in and around East Central Indiana.  

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